Why is Structure Important?

Upon listening to John Maxwell about the importance of structure, I’m reminded of the importance of core values. I truly believe that anything worthy of building must have a firm structure. This is, of course, true for physical buildings as it is for any institution, company or family.

When you have strong core values that guide you through your day, you have a strong structure. Whatever carries you a long way must have a good foundation, strong enough to guide you through rough waters. And, there will be struggles in whatever you choose to make your vision, your passion.

Maxwell says, “…to go high, you’ve got to go deep.” I believe that any successful business must have the depth of core values. If you think of strong leaders who have been successful, they all represent core values. Think of the strength of leaders such as Mandela, Martin Luther King, Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, and many others who have experienced success. They all have lived by their core values, based on a solid structure.

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