What is Success?

Today I have met up with quotes and inspiration that challenges me to contemplate what success means. First John Maxwell spoke of success in his daily minutes. Then I happened to read quotes about success.

When I posted the quote on being happy when I see others happy and successful, I truly believe that as an educator, we truly feel successful when our students are successful. It is such an amazing pleasure to watch a student, no matter what age, brighten up like a lit bulb when they learn something.

As a guidance Counsellor, it gives me great feelings of happiness when I see a client find their own answers to whatever problems they have. Even as a mentor, it is a natural high when your protege gets these ah-ha moments.

Maxwell spoke about the fact that graduation is not a sign of true success. Success began when the person started the journey of learning. Success is a one step at a time process , each step leading to the final outcome which is a graduation when completed.

Since I believe in life-long learning, I have many graduations. Each time we seek to learn something different and new, is a first step forward to success. Success looks different for each of us! However, as long as you’re continuing to learn, no matter what field, you will likely be successful.

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