The Importance of Reading

I have always believed that reading to our children is important. When my daughter was young, our bedtimes were a beautiful family time for reading together. Some of the books are very worn out. When I think about reading at bedtime, I am filled with happy memories.

Gavin McCormack sent me an email about the importance of reading to our children. He states the benefits of reading as follows:

1. Babies are born learners. We’ve all observed how the babies’ minds are like sponges right from birth. So read daily.
2. Books inspire difficult discussions around friendship, kindness and inclusion. Reading is an avenue for teaching values.
3. When we read aloud to our children/students, we inspire them to see reading as fun.
4. Reading is a bonding experience. It is most rewarding when you have read to your child and they ask for another chapter.
5. Reading sets the foundation of literacy skills. Reading with passion, vigour and excitement will hook children into loving reading.
6. Reading helps children be more successful in kindergarten. Words allow for success in learning, understanding and communication.

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