The Art of Mindful Living

Jyoti Gupta posts mindfulness tips daily on LinkedIn. She challenges us all to live a mindful life. Gupta has a gift that helps us all remember that each moment is a gift and we all have a purpose to improve the world and our own lives moment by moment. She posted the following challenge to us all.
Find balance in your life.
– Work hard but don’t let work take over your life, you will loose yourself.
– Love yourself.
– Life is too short for anything average.
– Know who you are and know that you are worthy of reaching your dreams and it is never too late to start creating that life you have always dreamed of.
– Do not compare yourself to others, that’s just deadly.
– No two souls are the same.
– You are beautiful and you are unique.
– Put your trust in the universe.
– Some things are just meant to happen and some are not.
– Let go of whatever is stealing your happiness, it’s hard but it’s worth it.
– Embrace change.
– Embrace life.
– Everything happens for a reason, sometimes you just need to breathe truth and let it go.

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