Look for the Blessings

As always, I am inspired by so many amazing inspirations from John Maxwell, LinkedIn and Twitter. John Maxwell challenges us to look for the blessings in this difficult time of fighting the corona virus around the world.
And yes there are definitely blessings.
I am certain that one of the lessons we must learn as a society is that we value each other more. Another lesson is that families must spend more time with their children. As I do my daily walks, I am noticing parents playing with their children and teaching them to enjoy the simple pleasures of shooting a basketball, playing hockey, learning how to roller blade, etc.
On LinkedIn, Jon Gordon posted a wonderful simple recipe for a happier life. He stated:
– be generous
– don’t keep score
– focus on making a difference
– use your gifts for a bigger purpose
– love more
– laugh more
– forgive
I think if we could all live up to those simple lifestyles, this would turn out to be a recipe for more world peace.

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