Lifelong Learning

I have long made it my practice to be a lifelong learner. I learn something new daily through social media, books, colleagues, friends and family. One of my strengths, I believe, is to ask questions. I learned to question when I was quite young. I have a very curious mind and I pretty much question everything I come across.
And, I believe one of the reasons I became a Guidance Counsellor was my need to help people also question their feelings and become responsible for their own happiness rather than blaming others. I am still a very concerned educator and question people daily.
When I began giving workshops, I always began with a question to help my students take ownership of their learning. I would ask questions like, “Why are you taking this training and what are you prepared to do to make sure you are getting what you came for?”
In my experience, that question has always helped people realize that its not my responsibility to pour answers into their minds, but it is their responsibility to engage, ask questions and share their thoughts with each other.
We live and work in an industry that is changing and evolving rapidly. New technologies, new inks, new papers, and new applications are implemented every day in companies around the globe. As a consultant, learning about innovative technologies, strategies, and new products have enabled me to be successful in guiding clients. I focus my learning on change so I can provide strategic input to enable my clients to grow their companies. Learning is a choice I continue to make every day. So should you!

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