Learn Your Why

I was inspired by an interview with Simon Sinek this morning. He was asked how he became a speaker. He said it has been a long journey of learning what works and what doesn’t work.
Sinek spoke about having had some terrible bosses that taught him what not to do. He said that was a great experience since he learned from them to become a leader who works as a team.
He became a speaker quite by accident. He discovered that a successful person, leader, team player must learn or discover their “why.” He became passionate about his why and kept talking about his discoveries to his friends and colleagues. He would find himself giving talks about his passion and eventually he was asked to speak in public and then at Ted Talks.
He said he is still humbled by the following he has and how many people want him to speak at their company functions.
I was inspired by this interview since it reminded me of my “why”. I’ve always known that my “why” is to empower others to be the best they can be. I never seT out to be a speaker either. I’m a lifelong learner and I am passionate about teaching and Mentorship with young and older students.
What is your “why” and your passion?

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