How To Be A Leader Who Leads With Heart

Lolly Daskal posted the following for how to be a leader with “HEART.”

H – Humility
E – Excellence
A – Authentic
R – Reliable
T – Trust

There is such a difference between a leader who wants to be a “boss” and a leader who leads with HEART. I believe most of us have had both. I certainly have had the ‘Boss Leader’ and the ‘Heart Leader.’
I can tell you that with the Boss Leader, there is not a lot of learning and growing happening and very little autonomy. You have to mind your behavior and try to find ways to enjoy your passion without antagonizing the ‘Boss.’
With a ‘Heart Leader’ you feel empowered, passionate, part of a team with the same vision and goals. You don’t feel like you’re working. And, you go to work with a light-hearted joy and opportunity. I’ve had only a handful of such leaders, but they helped me become the leader I am today!

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