8 Ways to Help Your Child Flourish During COVID-19

Gavin McCormack sent me a fascinating article on how we can help children flourish during COVID-19. The following actions will have profound effects on the way your children navigate their way through the complex Mae w call school, whilst providing them with some essential skills that will allow them to flourish.

1. Allow your child to carry their own bag to school.
This teaches them about responsibility, independence and self-worth.
2. Make bed time and wake up time a nice calming process.
Children need a calming routine to prepare them for bed like having a bath, brushing their teeth, reading a story and getting to bed at the same time each day.
3. Model the behaviour you want from your child.
James Baldwin said, “Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, it they have never failed to imitate them.” Children are always watching what you do and how you act, and they absorb this information like a sponge. They learn how to deal with stress, how to treat others how to be kind, or speak quietly by watching you.
4. Talk about feelings and what they mean.
In order for your child to regulate and understand about emotions we have to discuss them and have an open channel of communication between us and our children.
5. Always get to school on time.
Being on time helps a child plan their actions like who to sit with, who to play with and how well they will learn each day. So, remember, it’s crucial; wake up early, take your time getting to school and arrive on time.
6. Allow your child to choose their own clothing. If they want to wear their clothing backwards, allow it.
Allowing children to choose their own clothing enables them to express themselves in a very simple format. Children need to be able to feel unique which helps them mature. Although we need to set limits, choosing which clothing to wear each day, within limits, helps them feel independent.
7. Spend one night per week walking and talking. Look at the moon and discuss big picture ideas.
Walking with your child at the end of the day helps adult and child reflect on their day. Asking key questions about their day and the feelings they have encountered is helps both adult and child bond and teaches the child to think about what feelings they have encountered.
8. Explain everything and don’t dumb it down.
Don’t be afraid to use high levels of vocabulary. Avoid giving orders since that is the adult thinking. We want our children to understand why they need to do something. You child may not always understand your explanation but the new information you are providing them will soak through into their sponge-like brain.

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