Your Greatest Accomplishments

I am inspired by David Geurin’s post, “Your greatest accomplishment might not be when you were successful. Your greatest accomplishment might be how you responded when you weren’t successful. It takes strength and courage and to keep going – to continue to learn and grow through failure and difficulty.”
I am grateful for this reminder because when I look back at my day with students today, there were times that I felt uncomfortable and unaccomplished. However, at the end of the day, I believe that I helped make the students welcome and appreciated.
I am reminded today that we will never know our influence to others on a daily basis. However, think of the small gestures of caring and respect you show to those you meet.
During this time of the pandemic, it can often feel like we’re not accomplishing much. We are all role models in how we respond to our students and fellow colleagues. You may not feel accomplished but to that someone who feels recognized, you have accomplished more than you know.

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