Why Reading Books Should Be Your Priority

David Geurin shared an excellent article by Christina Desmarais on the importance of reading. She shares research done by Yale University of over 3000 people who proved the importance of reading books for at least half an hour daily. I certainly concur with this research. I read several books daily and am enjoying the positive effects. Why should we read daily?

1. Reading Fiction Can Help You Be More Open-Minded and Creative.
– Although non-fiction reading allows students to learn the subject matter, it may not always help them in thinking about it.

2. People Who Read Books Live Longer.
– According to a Yale study, those who read books for at least half an hour daily lived an average of 233 months longer than non-readers. Apparently reading books creates a cognitive engagement that improves lots of things like vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration. It can also improve empathy, social perception and emotional intelligence, the sum of which helps people stay on the planet longer.

3. Reading 50 Books a Year is Something You Can Actually Accomplish.
– Writer Stephanie Huston says she reports have more peace and satisfaction and improved sleep, while learning more than she thought possible by reading more.

4. Successful People Are Readers.
– This author suggests the following books: The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz, Sho Dog by Phil Knight, Good to Great by Jim Collins, and Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson.

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