What We Forget About Teaching!

The word ‘Teacher’ is not to be taken literally. As teachers we are more than a vessel to transmit information into the minds of our children, we are a lot more.
I love Gavin McCormack’s article about teachers and their importance. He says our presence alone will not define what it means to be alive. Our example to the lass on what matters will set the benchmark for equality, acceptance and understanding and our pursuit to live life to the fullest, will allow our children to a trail seldom walked.
Every time we make a mistake, we must admit it, move on and try again, which demonstrates to our children that it’s okay to fail, no one’s is perfect.
Each time we help another person, push the limits or challenge the norms, the wide eyes of our students are guided towards a more empathic existence and a better more harmonious future.
What we do with our time will define who we are. It’s important how our students see us and what legacy we leave in the minds of those in our care.
Remember that teacher from grade five who used to climb mountains on the weekend? Be her! Remember that kindergarten teacher who told you that you could be anything you dreamed of? Be him!

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