What is Diligence?

Are you successful at something you have been focusing on for a long time? If so, you have been diligent. Success generally is an uphill journey, a long journey of being focused and steadfast. It requires passion, determination and generally teamwork. Most of my successful events, missions and goals have required not only me to be focused and diligent, but also my teammates. I think we need to role model diligence to our young people so that they can see, hear and feel how rewarding the end result is. Students are generally very good at staying focused on what they enjoy doing but, as we as adults can attest to, it’s not as easy to remain diligent when the journey has a lot of speed bumps, trials and challenges. Today I’m going to work hard at being diligent on a few of my “To-Do” items that I’ve been putting off due to other necessities. Thank you John Maxwell for the challenge in today’s Minute with Maxwell.

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