What is A Leadership?

I am inspired by John Maxwell’s session on great leadership which was a lunch and learn on the internet. Some of the key points I took away from this session are as follows:
– 20% of your time is spent on 80% of the people.
Motivation is extremely important! If we can keep people motivated it makes a huge difference. How motivated are you – 40%, 60%, or 80%? People quit people, not companies. When people feel motivated, they stay.
Collaboration is extremely important to the success of the company. Maxwell says you must collaborate with people who are different than you. In order to do so, a leader must be humble and have empathy.
Humility is the ability to know that you don’t know it all, that you can’t do it all, and you can’t be it all.
– Empathy is the ability to see or hear someone else, no matter how they look, sound, or their circumstances and understand what they bring to the table.
Relationships are key to leadership! People quit people who de-value them, or are incompetent. We must value people, show them we care! When was the last time someone told you how special you are? When was the last time you told someone how special they are? Never underestimate the power of influence! If you want to influence someone, form a relationship with them.
Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence.” If you relate well, you increase your influence. Start with relationships! The best leaders love the people they lead.
Good Leaders – the definition of a Good Leader is being a good communicator who helps others find their passion, what they are good at, their gifts, strengths, and abilities. Signs of great leadership show up in their followers. Other people succeeding is the best sign of great leaders.

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