Stop Being a Boss! The Secret to Becoming a Leader

Sandeep Kashyap is the founder and CEO of ProofHub. He posted the following points about true leadership.
Every team has a boss, but nowadays what teams need is a leader. Note the following differences between a boss and a leader:
– A boss gives answers, a leader seeks solutions.
– A boss controls, a leader trusts.
– A boss criticizes, a leader encourages.
– A boss defends their ego, a leader reveals vulnerability.
– A boss demands trust, a leader inspires performance.
– Not just this, there’s a quote highlighting the difference between the two:
“Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says “Go!” And a leaders says, “Let’s go!” E.M. Kelly
Tips to going from a boss to a leader:
1. A leader combines innovation in the workplace. They follow the approach to transform things because change is the driving force and vision is the focus of the leader.
2. A leader is focused on changing people (helping them grow as employees and as people) and the organization (achieving the vision set for the company) but they should understand the fine difference in leadership – between successful and unsuccessful change.
3. A leader emphasizes inspiration as a motivational tool. I always try to be open about what’s going on and where we are going. A leader should create vision for everyone in the team to achieve and use inspiration tacts for personal growth plans.
4. A leader encourages employees to give feedback – bad or good. I ask my team questions like, “What would you want to change about our team?” Or, “What can I do for a bigger support?” I also ask employees privately about the work environment and how they want it to be shaped.

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