Living a Healthy Lifestyle

It is my goal to live a healthy lifestyle in mind, body, heart and soul. I try to have a routine for myself mentally by learning something new every day. It is easy to learn new things if I keep an open mind, read, and listen with my ears, eyes and heart. I have a library of valuable books and each day I read whatever book speaks to me. This week, Brene Brown’s, The Gift of Imperfection has truly stimulated my mind. On the topic of hope, Brown writes “So, hope is a combination of setting goals, having the tenacity and perseverance to pursue them, and believing in our own abilities….Hope is learned!…Children most often learn hope from their parents….Snyder suggests that to learn hopefulness, children need relationships that are characterized by boundaries, consistency, and support…I found in my research that men and women who self-report as hopeful put considerable value on persistence and hard work….Hopeful self-talk sounds…like, “This is tough, but I can do it.”
Brown’s research reminds me of Carol Dweck who has some amazing YouTube videos about having a Fixed Mind Set or a Growth Mind Set. Brown’s research advocates a Growth Mind Set. I love it when the authors I read support each other and continue to do the research to help educators and parents apply “Best Practices” in raising the next generation.

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