January 17, 2019


A Coach is an instructor or trainer for Leadership in any arena. A coach is also a role model, modeling effective leadership, communication, solution-focused thinking and respectful mindfulness. This could be in business, education, sports, you name it, we need effective coaches as leaders in our society. We, at Summit Education believe that we have many talented, creative and brilliant potential leaders in any arena. Ruth Hargrave has been a coach/mentor for many years as an educator as well as in her own business. Read her testimonials to find out what her students say about her leadership and coaching style.
In the business world, the definition of coaching, in a business context, has the two following aspects:
– Coaching is an approach to management – how one carries out the role of being a manager.
– Coaching is a set of skills for managing employee performance to deliver results.
– Being a coach as a leader – one who challenges and develops your employees’ skills and abilities to achieve the best performance results, and to function as self-sufficiently as possible.
– Coaching is the sum of all the coaching skills – giving performance feedback, delegating, motivation employee performance, and so on.